HOMEWORK: Read 4th author novel; issue group prep
Wed, 11 Mar: SSR; try to finalize Writing Work Sample -- we can complete on Monday, if necessary
HOMEWORK: Read 4th author novel; issue group prep
Fri, 13 Mar: SSR; Issue Groups (5th = death penalty; 6th = mental health)
HOMEWORK: Position paper + notes due Mon 16 Mar; terms quiz on logical fallacies Mon 3/16
5th Period Issue Group articles - death penalty
for reading before class:
against death penalty:http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/05/opinion/shifting-politics-on-the-death-penalty.html
6th period Issue Group articles - mental health
Hey Leah, would you be willing to try out Presstream.com for a blogging platform? It's pretty fun, and helps promote your posts. It you're interested, send me an email at snapple187@gmail.com. I'll upgrade you for free.